In this video, attorneys Gregory Dell and Stephen Jessup discuss the problems many doctors face when they need to apply for disability benefits due to a disabling medical condition. Often, when doctors develop an illness, they either self-treat, or seek informal off-the-record treatment from a peer. This means there is no medical record documenting their inability to work due to their disability. With no medical records to review, insurance companies are almost certain to deny the claim.

Doctors fail to seek conventional treatment because they fear they may be forced to give up their medical practice. They may hide may their symptoms out of fear of a malpractice claim if any patient suffers from any complications. They may want to sell their practice and believe they need to keep it active in order to make that happen.

We may be able to help a doctor obtain at least partial disability if the doctor’s disability policy includes a “Residual or Partial Disability” rider. This generally allows the doctor to receive treatment while working at a reduced schedule, or to reduce some of their occupational duties. If the condition worsens, the doctor can then file a total disability claim.
Watch our video to learn more and contact any of our disability insurance attorneys for a free initial phone consultation.